Low waste arts and crafts
It is really easy to make a low waste arts and crafts kit for your family. Here are a few tips:
- Use natural materials such as leaves, sticks, wood, bamboo and flax. These can be composted once the piece of art is at the end of its life.
- Try making your own art supplies. This can be a fun and educational project in itself and the end result will be cheap, healthy, compostable and free of plastic packaging. There are lots of recipes online for sugar based glitter, watercolour paints , paper making and glue.
- Many Councils have a shop where you can buy items salvaged from the rubbish tip, such as The Tip Shop in Wellington. Tip shops or your local op shop are great places for scouting for materials, and who doesn’t like a family trip to the op shops?
- For all those abandoned masterpieces you could implement a box of paper which is still Good On One Side (GOOS box). This can be used for scrap paper, paper mache projects or making new paper.