Reduce your landfill waste
Visit our pages on main categories of recyclables from domestic sources.
Remember that the recycling bin, crate or bag provided by your Council is only for the types of recycling your Council can accept. It's not for organic (compostable) wastes or rubbish, and is not the same as a charity shop collection bag!
The video below presents a view of kerbside collection from one of the truck drivers working in the Waimakariri region. It contains some helpful tips - what should and shouldn't go in your Council bins, and how to place the bins at your kerbside.
Meet Leanne, one of five kerbside collection truck drivers working in Waimakariri for WM New Zealand, the contractor for that Council's kerbside collection scheme.
Leanne's been in the job more than 15 years now and just loves being out there, serving her community.
The Ministry for Environment website provides a general guide to which items you can put out for recycling (and which items cannot go into your recycling bin).