

Month - Bike Ready Month (previously Bikewise), NZ
Month - Aotearoa Bike Challenge
Date varies - Estuary Festival, Christchurch, NZ
2nd World Wetlands Day
11th International Day of Women and Girls in Science


Month - Whio Awareness Month, NZ
Month - Sustainable Backyards (Envirohub), Bay of Plenty, NZ
Date varies - Ecofest North (Kaipātiki Project), NZ
Date varies - Seaweek, NZ
3rd World Wildlife Day (UNGA)
8th International Women's Day (UN)
14th International Day of Action for Rivers
21st International Day of Forests (UNGA)
22nd World Water Day (UN)
28th Earth Hour (WWF)


Month - Takahē Awareness Month
7th World Health Day
13th International Plant Appreciation Day
22nd Earth Day
Week surrounding 24th April - Fashion Revolution
Last Saturday of April - Save the Frogs Day


Date varies - Tech Week
Date varies - BLAKE Inspire (formerly Youth EnviroLeaders' Forum)
Date varies - Organic Week
Date varies - World Fairtrade Day
First full week of May - International Compost Awareness Week
5th International Permaculture Day
16th World Fish Migration Day
Second Saturday of May and October - World Migratory Bird Day
20th World Bee Day (UN)
22nd International Day for Biological Diversity
23rd World Turtle Day


Month (start and end date goes with moon) - Pipiri ki a Papatūānuku
Date varies - National Volunteering Week
Date varies - NZ Garden Bird Survey (Landcare Research)
Date varies - Matariki – Māori New Year
3rd World Bicycle Day
5th World Environment Day (UN)
5th Arbor Day
5th International Day for the Fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
8th World Ocean Day
15th Global Wind Day
16-22nd Global Sharing Week
17th World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
18th Sustainable Gastronomy Day
21st International Climate Change Day
29th International Day of the Tropics


Month - Plastic Free July
Date varies - Earth Overshoot Day
Date varies - Biosecurity Week
11th - World Population Day (UN)


Date varies - Youth Peace Week
22nd World Plant Milk Day


Month - Straw Free September (Our Seas Our Future)
Month - Second Hand September (Oxfam)
Month - Bee Awareness Month
Date varies - Conservation Week (DOC)
Date varies - Te wiki o te reo Māori (Māori language week)
Date varies - Keep New Zealand Beautiful Cleanup week
Date varies - The Great kererū Count
7th International Day of Clean Air for blue skies
16th International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
18th International Equal Pay Day
19th World Cleanup Day
21st International Day of Peace
22nd World Car Free Day
Fourth Sunday of September - World Rivers Day
29th International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste


Month - Biketober (Christchurch)
Month - Save Kiwi Month
Date varies - WasteMINZ Annual Conference (Sep/Oct/Nov)
Date varies - Zero Waste Network Hui-ā-Tau (annual hui)
Date varies - Bird of the Year (Forest and Bird)
Date varies - Keep New Zealand Beautiful Awards
First Monday in Oct - World Habitat Day
Second Saturday of May and October - World Migratory Bird Day
5th World Teachers' Day
13th International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
16th World Food Day
19-20th Recycling Week
31st World Cities Day


Bi-annual (Varies) - Para Kore Hui-ā-Tau
Month - Nothing New November (Launched in 2019 by New Brighton Stitch-O-Mat)
Date varies - Gender equal pay day (there are international versions as well)
Date varies - Sustainable Business Network Awards
5th World Tsunami Awareness Day
6th International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
10th World Science Day for Peace and Development
20th World Children's Day
Day after Thanksgiving - Buy Nothing Day


5th International Volunteer Day
5th World Soil Day
11th International Mountain Day


2011-2020 - Decade on Biodiversity (UN)
2014-2024 - Decade of Sustainable Energy for All (UN)
2021-2030 - Decade of Ocean Science (UN)


Fridays for Future
UN Regional Climate Weeks