Here are a few Environmental Education for Sustainability resources for teachers. Note that this is just a selection and there will be numerous resources in each local area. Contact your local council for advice on where you may get support or further resources specific to your location.
Toolkits and Resources
- Food Waste Lesson Plans from 'Love Food Hate Waste'. These 4 lessons focus on raising learners' awareness of how their actions contribute to this global issue and understanding the impact of wasting food. These lessons are suitable for Primary and Intermediate schools.
- DOC Conservation Education Teaching resources for learning in nature. Find resources to support conservation teaching and learning, and DOC supported education programmes your school can get involved in.
Pūtātara – a call to action - Incorporating sustainability and global citizenship across the curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand. This resource supports schools and teachers to develop learning opportunities that are place-based, inquiry-led, and focused on participation for change.
- An ecological footprint is measure of the amount of Earth's resources required to provide the stuff we use, consume and waste. An ecological footprint calculator measures how much nature we have and how much nature we use:
- Science Learning Hub Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao - explore New Zealand's science education resources.
- Royal Society - Plastics in the environment - resources to understand plastic waste in Aotearoa.
- Ministry for the Environment - Resources for kerbside recycling - printable brochures and general information about what can and cannot go into council recycling and food scraps bins. This resource includes a game for students to test their recycling knowledge.
- Enviroschools is a nationwide programme supported by Toimata Foundation, founding partner Te Mauri Tau, and a large network of regional partners. Early childhood centres and schools commit to a long-term sustainability journey, where tamariki/students connect with and explore the environment, then plan, design and take action in their local places in collaboration with their communities. The programme is suitable for Primary and Secondary schools.
- The Zero Waste Education programme is an award-winning programme offered to over 500 schools and pre-schools nationwide, primarily based in the North Island. The programme offers 10 Waste Minimisation Education units from pre-school up to Year 8. The free programme is delivered by trained waste minimisation educators and is funded by the participating councils.
- The Garden to Table programme is changing the way children approach and think about food. The programme aims to have children all around the country enthusiastically getting their hands dirty and learning how to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, seasonal food. This programme is suitable for Primary schools.
- Growing Kiwi Gardeners - this programme helps early childhood educators to develop gardening programmes for under 5’s. Suitable for ECEs.
- Paper4Trees - Paper4trees is a waste minimisation and tree planting programme for New Zealand schools and preschools. Paper recycling is incentivised by providing native trees for every 2 cubic meters of paper recycled.
- DOC National Education Programmes - A range of environmental education providers and programmes that promote conservation and get young people into nature.
- Learning Experiences Outside the Classroom - Learning Experiences Outside The Classroom (LEOTC) is a Ministry of Education curriculum support project. It is a limited and contestable funding pool supporting community-based organisations to provide students with learning experiences that complement and enhance student learning, in alignment with the national curriculum.
Area Programmes
- Environment Canterbury Youth Engagement and Education - provides programmes and resources for education providers in Canterbury.
- EcoSolutions is part of CBEC, a Northland social enterprise whose aim is to create jobs and protect the environment. EcoSolutions has been working with Northlanders for over 15 years delivering environmental education and projects with schools, businesses and the community. Our vision is to give people the tools, support and inspiration to live lighter on the environment. To find out more about what we do check out our services.
Council Initiatives
In addition to sponsoring or running education programmes, often Councils offer tours of resource recovery facilities and can give waste minimisation talks and run workshops. Visit your council's website for more details.

A model used in a landfill education session run by Wellington City Council (image courtesy of W.C.C).